Embodied Insights

Explore theĀ theory and practice of embodied intimacy

Somatic Safety - The Key To Everything core teachings

The sense of safety is at the heart of intimacy and all forms of positive relating.

So in this post we’re going to be exploring what somatic safety is, and exactly why it’s so...

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You Are Not Broken: Trauma and its Symptoms core teachings

At the heart of the work of Embodied Intimacy is the following core insight: 

In order to thrive in this life, to feel a sense of excitement and joy about who we are and to express ourselves...

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The Window of Tolerance: Mapping Your Nervous System core teachings

In this post we’re going to share one of a series of useful maps and models of the nervous system.

These frameworks can help you understand more of what’s going on in your...

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Autopilot, Survival Strategies, and the Body's Deep Memory core teachings

According to the map of the Window of Tolerance, there is an optimal activation zone where we are feeling a sense of somatic safety, with all the features that brings: we are present and...

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What Is Really Going On When We Are 'Triggered'? core teachings

What are we really saying when we say ‘I’m triggered’?

Most of us are familiar with the term 'trigger', but it's used in a variety of ways, often without any real clarity about...

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The Biology of Safety core teachings

Throughout our 'Core Teachings' series we're introducing a number of concepts to help you build up an understanding of what’s happening in the body and brain when we are feeling safe and...

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Mindfulness & Bodyfulness core teachings

There is a direct relationship between mindfulness and somatic safety.

When we are triggered out of our window of tolerance, the very first step in restoring our sense of safety and returning...

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Somatic Resourcing ā€“ The Body is Wealth core teachings

Somatic Resourcing is essentially about connecting with our body as the most valuable resource we will ever have.

But it's also a specific set of practices aimed at regulating the nervous...

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The Growth Zones ā€“ Dancing at The Wild Edges core teachings

Not many people take the time to look under the hood of their nervous system and empower themselves to be aware of and regulate their arousal states.

But having done so, and gained some practice in...

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Co-Regulation ā€“ We Just Can't Do It Alone! core teachings

We humans are social animals.

Our social nature is a defining aspect of our species. 

Our ability to form and maintain positive social connections is integral to our emotional and...

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